In the acclaimed 2014 film Ex Machina, a scientist builds a humanoid robot in female form with AI, and the plot centers around determining whether the...
You need to develop an application stat, but your in-house development team either doesn't exist or lacks the time or expertise to write the code...
What Is AIOps? AIOps is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to manage, optimize and secure complex IT systems more effectively and flexibly by...
The question of reducing IT infrastructure costs is thorny for any type of business — small or medium, and large enterprises. The average IT spe...
Svelte vs. Angular vs. React: which framework is better? This question is often asked by those who work on their web development project. Al...
If the statistics are right, success for many technology projects remains elusive. For example, research from Boston Consulting Group has found tha...
Application development pushes businesses to seek answers to many questions. What to consider in the project beginning to ensure its success? Is it be...
Software development is a highly dynamic industry. For some projects and market requirements, it’s critical to implement changes in the product...
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) refers to a type of software that organizations use to manage day-to-day business activities such as accounting, pr...
Today, almost any online and offline business is in dire need of technological transformation. While the software development industry is incrementall...