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    Web 3.0 - The Future of Internet?

    Many people believe the web is an ongoing pillar of modern life. The web has been around since it was invented, but the idea of the web has evolved to a large extent compared to what it was initially. The early web is quite different from what we initially imagined. It has different stages, and each new stage has been more beneficial with new solutions.


    In the first stage of internet development, Web 1.0 restricted the users only to reading static web pages. Even though forms and message boards did exist, there was zero interaction between different users. After this, in 2004, the Web 2.0 period began, and it evolved to provide a read-and-write system; it allowed users to share content and promoted user-to-user interaction, unlike Web 1.0. Web 2.0 was the beginning of social media. 


    Web 3, or Web 3.0, assists users in using decentralised applications designed based on blockchain technology; it incorporates technologies like artificial intelligence and Metaverse to make an accessible and beneficial next-generation internet. In simple terms, it is the third level of internet development built on a scattered blockchain, allowing all the users to have more control over the whole web system.


    Principle of Web3:


    As Web3 is yet to be introduced, it’s hard to define it perfectly, but here are some core principles of Web3 which will provide an overview of the whole idea. The principle ideas are as follows:


    The ownership of Web3 is designed in a scattered manner, it means that its right is distributed among users and developers instead of giving the right to centralised entities.

    Web3 is open to all users, and everyone can participate without being excluded.

    Instead of depending on banks and payment procedures, cryptocurrency transfers money online.


    Is Web3 Going to Change the World?


    As of now, Web3 is just a set of ideas put together. There will be a drastic change in how we use the internet if this potential idea becomes a reality, but now it’s hard to say in what form this idea will take shape. The central part of Web3 will rely on the blockchain system; this will open doors for new ways for both users and developers to interact with the internet.




    Web3 is a fresh and growing ecosystem. People around are highly interested in cryptocurrency, experiments with young and new systems of governance and many more that favour Web3. To sum up a few features of Web3, it can be identified as trustless, permissionless, self-governing and native payment. Web3 is at the initial stage and can be the bright future of a better web only if we look into its advantages to improve and work to tackle the disadvantages to support its infrastructure to make it better.

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    About the Author

    Kamal Rastogi is a serial IT entrepreneur with 25 yrs plus experience. Currently his focus area is Data Science business, ERP Consulting, IT Staffing and Experttal.com (Fastest growing US based platform to hire verified / Risk Compliant Expert IT resources from talent rich countries like India, Romania, Philippines etc...directly). His firms service clients like KPMG, Deloitte, EnY, Samsung, Wipro, NCR Corporation etc in India and USA.

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