Amit C



The parameters are : Current Salary, Open to travel , Shift , Job Location which is evaluated by HR during the interview . What are other parameters . Atleast minimum provide 15 same as i have given ChatGPT Sure, here are 15 additional parameters that could be evaluated during an interview: Education and Qualifications: Assessing the candidate's educational background and relevant qualifications for the role. Work Experience: Evaluating the candidate's previous work experience and how it aligns with the job requirements. Skills and Competencies: Assessing specific skills and competencies needed for the role, such as technical skills, communication skills, problem-solving abilities, etc. Teamwork and Collaboration: Evaluating how well the candidate works in a team environment and their ability to collaborate with others. Leadership Abilities: Assessing the candidate's leadership skills, including their ability to lead teams, make decisions, and take initiative. Adaptability and Flexibility: Evaluating how adaptable and flexible the candidate is in handling change and new challenges. Creativity and Innovation: Assessing the candidate's creativity and ability to innovate, especially important for roles that require problem-solving and thinking outside the box. Attention to Detail: Evaluating the candidate's attention to detail and ability to produce high-quality work with accuracy. Time Management and Organization: Assessing the candidate's time management skills and ability to prioritize tasks effectively. Customer Focus: Evaluating the candidate's focus on customer satisfaction and their ability to understand and meet customer needs. Ethical Behavior: Assessing the candidate's ethical behavior and adherence to company values and policies. Emotional Intelligence: Evaluating the candidate's emotional intelligence and ability to understand and manage their own emotions as well as those of others. Problem-Solving Skills: Assessing the candidate's ability to identify problems, analyze situations, and develop effective solutions. Resilience and Stress Management: Evaluating how well the candidate handles stress and pressure, and their ability to bounce back from setbacks. Communication Style: Assessing the candidate's communication style, including verbal and written communication skills, as well as their ability to articulate ideas clearly and effectively. The parameters are : , Language Sub Headings are Excelent Average Poor , Confident Subheadings are Confident, overconfident, Not Confident etc . Please give more HR Paraments with sub Headings ChatGPT Certainly, here are more HR parameters with subheadings: Problem-Solving Ability: Innovative Resourceful Struggles with complex problems Teamwork Skills: Collaborative Cooperative Prefers working alone Leadership Potential: Inspiring Decisive Lacks leadership qualities Communication Skills: Articulate Persuasive Difficulty expressing ideas Technical Proficiency: Expert Proficient Limited technical skills Analytical Skills: Analytical Logical Difficulty analyzing data Attention to Detail: Meticulous Accurate Prone to errors Adaptability: Flexible Adaptable Resistant to change Customer Focus: Customer-centric Responsive Disconnected from customer needs Time Management: Organized Efficient Difficulty meeting deadlines Emotional Intelligence: Empathetic Self-aware Emotionally volatile Conflict Resolution Skills: Diplomatic Mediator Avoids confrontation Motivation: Driven Enthusiastic Lacks motivation Professionalism: Courteous Respectful Unprofessional demeanor Work Ethic: Diligent Reliable Unreliable or lazy many more please give for basic HR ChatGPT Sure, here are some more basic HR parameters with subheadings: Workplace Ethics: Ethical Integrity Unethical behavior Interpersonal Skills: Friendly Approachable Reserved or distant Dependability: Reliable Consistent Unreliable or inconsistent Initiative: Proactive Self-starter Passive or waits for instructions Coachability: Receptive to feedback Open to learning Resistant to feedback or coaching Professional Development Orientation: Growth mindset Seeks learning opportunities Resistant to learning or development Cultural Fit: Alignment with company values Fits into team culture Misalignment with company values or team culture Problem Recognition: Able to identify issues Aware of potential problems Unaware of or ignores problems Workplace Diversity Sensitivity: Inclusive mindset Respects diversity Insensitive to diversity issues Risk Management Awareness: Aware of potential risks Takes precautions Ignorant of potential risks Decision-Making Skills: Decisive Analytical in decision-making Indecisive or makes poor decisions Conflict Management: Resolves conflicts effectively Handles disagreements constructively Escalates conflicts or exacerbates situations Professional Boundaries: Maintains appropriate boundaries Respects personal space Oversteps boundaries or makes others uncomfortable Respect for Authority: Respects authority figures Follows company hierarchy Challenges authority or disregards policies Stress Management: Coping mechanisms in place Handles stress well Easily overwhelmed or stressed out Please pharase : ChatGPT Certainly, here are rephrased versions of the parameters: Work Ethics Evaluation: Assessing adherence to ethical standards Evaluating integrity in the workplace Gauging ethical conduct Interpersonal Competence Assessment: Analyzing social skills Evaluating approachability Assessing interpersonal rapport Reliability Appraisal: Examining consistency Assessing dependability Gauging reliability Initiative Proficiency: Evaluating proactive tendencies Assessing self-starting capabilities Analyzing initiative-taking behavior Coachability Assessment: Evaluating openness to feedback Assessing receptiveness to coaching Gauging willingness to learn Focus on Professional Development: Analyzing growth mindset Assessing pursuit of learning opportunities Evaluating receptivity to development Cultural Fit Evaluation: Assessing alignment with organizational culture Analyzing compatibility with company values Gauging fit within team dynamics Problem Recognition Proficiency: Evaluating problem identification skills Assessing awareness of potential issues Gauging problem-sensing ability Diversity Awareness Assessment: Analyzing inclusivity mindset Assessing sensitivity to diversity Gauging awareness of diversity issues Risk Management Awareness Evaluation: Assessing risk perception Evaluating precautionary measures Gauging risk consciousness Decision-Making Competency Analysis: Evaluating decision-making prowess Analyzing decisiveness Assessing analytical decision-making Conflict Resolution Proficiency: Evaluating conflict resolution skills Assessing constructive conflict handling Gauging conflict resolution effectiveness Professional Boundary Respect Assessment: Analyzing boundary maintenance Assessing respect for personal space Gauging appropriateness of interactions Authority Respect Evaluation: Assessing respect for hierarchical structures Analyzing adherence to authority Gauging deference to organizational hierarchy Stress Management Evaluation: Assessing stress coping mechanisms Evaluating stress-handling capabilities Gauging stress resilience Please phrase the line : Dear Sir , As discussed, below are the parameters with which HR can evaluate a candidate : ChatGPT Certainly: "Dear Sir, As per our discussion, enclosed are the criteria through which HR can assess a candidate:" disc test questions ChatGPT Certainly, here are some examples of DISC test questions: Do you prefer to work independently or as part of a team? How do you typically respond to unexpected changes or challenges in the workplace? Are you more focused on details or big-picture concepts? When working on a project, do you prefer to follow a structured plan or adapt as you go? How do you handle conflict or disagreements with colleagues? Are you more comfortable taking charge of a situation or following someone else's lead? What motivates you in your work environment? How do you prefer to communicate with your coworkers or team members? When faced with tight deadlines, how do you prioritize your tasks? How do you typically approach decision-making in your professional life? Do you prefer a fast-paced work environment or a more relaxed pace? How do you handle multitasking and managing multiple projects simultaneously? Are you more inclined to seek input from others or trust your own instincts when making decisions? How do you handle feedback or criticism from supervisors or peers? What strategies do you use to manage stress and maintain work-life balance? disc test questions with sub headingsa ChatGPT Certainly, here are DISC test questions with subheadings: Dominance (D): How do you typically assert yourself in group settings? When faced with a challenging task, do you tend to take charge or delegate responsibilities? In what ways do you display confidence and assertiveness in your work? Influence (I): How do you approach networking and building relationships in your professional life? When working in a team, how do you encourage and motivate others? Describe how you use your interpersonal skills to influence others in the workplace. Steadiness (S): How do you handle change and uncertainty in your work environment? Describe your approach to building and maintaining harmony within a team. When faced with pressure or tight deadlines, how do you maintain a calm and steady demeanor? Conscientiousness (C): How do you prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively? Describe your attention to detail and accuracy in completing work assignments. When making decisions, how do you analyze data and weigh options to ensure accuracy and quality? WHAT WILL BE SUB HEADING OFDOMINANCE ChatGPT Subheadings for Dominance (D) could include: Assertiveness and Leadership: How do you assert yourself in group settings or leadership roles? Describe situations where you've taken charge or directed others in a project. Decision-Making and Initiative: How do you approach decision-making, especially in high-pressure situations? Describe instances where you've taken the initiative to solve problems or drive projects forward. Confidence and Self-Assurance: How do you display confidence and conviction in your actions and decisions? Describe how you handle challenging situations with self-assurance and determination. More HR Quations with sub headings ChatGPT Certainly! Here are some more HR questions with subheadings: Work Experience and Skills: Can you provide details about your previous work experience and how it relates to this position? What specific skills and qualifications do you possess that make you a strong candidate for this role? Career Goals and Aspirations: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years in terms of your career progression? How does this position align with your long-term career goals and aspirations? Teamwork and Collaboration: Can you provide examples of successful teamwork experiences from your previous roles? How do you handle conflicts or disagreements within a team environment? Problem-Solving Abilities: Describe a challenging problem you encountered in your previous role and how you resolved it. How do you approach problem-solving and decision-making in the workplace? Communication Skills: How do you effectively communicate complex ideas or information to different audiences? Give an example of a time when you had to communicate difficult or sensitive information to a colleague or client. Adaptability and Flexibility: How do you handle changes in priorities or unexpected situations in the workplace? Describe a time when you had to adapt to a new environment or work process quickly. Leadership and Management Style: Can you discuss your leadership style and how you motivate and inspire others? Give an example of a successful project or team you led and the strategies you employed to achieve success. Conflict Resolution and Negotiation: How do you approach resolving conflicts or negotiating solutions in the workplace? Provide an example of a time when you successfully mediated a conflict between team members or departments. Customer Focus and Service Orientation: How do you prioritize customer satisfaction and meet their needs in your role? Give an example of a time when you went above and beyond to provide excellent customer service. Ethical Behavior and Integrity: How do you uphold ethical standards and integrity in your professional conduct? Describe a situation where you faced an ethical dilemma at work and how you resolved it while maintaining your integrity. Time Management and Prioritization: How do you manage your time effectively to meet deadlines and achieve goals? Describe your process for prioritizing tasks and managing multiple projects simultaneously. Creativity and Innovation: Can you provide examples of creative solutions or innovative ideas you've implemented in your previous roles? How do you foster a culture of creativity and innovation within your team or organization? Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness: How do you demonstrate emotional intelligence in your interactions with colleagues and clients? Describe a situation where you received constructive feedback and how you used it to improve professionally. Resilience and Stress Management: How do you cope with stress and pressure in the workplace? Describe a time when you faced a significant setback or failure and how you bounced back from it. Professional Development and Learning Orientation: How do you stay updated on industry trends and continuously improve your skills and knowledge? Can you discuss any professional development opportunities you've pursued in the past year and how they've benefited you in your role? example Confident , then sub heading will come confident not confident extra confident . Communication skills excellent average ver good . like this please share ChatGPT Sure, here are some HR parameters with subheadings as you described: Confidence Level: Confident Not Confident Overconfident Communication Skills Proficiency: Excellent Very Good Average Problem-Solving Abilities: Strong Moderate Weak Teamwork and Collaboration: Cooperative Neutral Uncooperative Leadership Potential: Leadership Material Potential for Leadership Lacks Leadership Traits Adaptability to Change: Flexible Adaptable Resistant to Change Ethical Behavior: Ethical Questionable Unethical Attention to Detail: Meticulous Careful Careless Time Management Skills: Excellent Time Management Average Time Management Poor Time Management Customer Focus: Customer-Centric Customer-Aware Disconnected from Customer Needs Emotional Intelligence: Emotionally Intelligent Moderately Emotionally Intelligent Lacks Emotional Intelligence Decision-Making Skills: Decisive Analytical Decision-Maker Indecisive Creativity and Innovation: Innovative Creative Thinker Conventional Thinker Stress Management: Resilient Handles Stress Well Easily Stressed Professionalism: Professional Demeanor Generally Professional Unprofessional Demeanor MORE ChatGPT Certainly, here are additional HR parameters with subheadings: Work Ethic: Strong Work Ethic Diligent Lazy or Unreliable Initiative Taking: Proactive Takes Initiative Passive or Reactive Coachability: Open to Feedback Coachable Resistant to Feedback Interpersonal Skills: Strong Interpersonal Skills Personable Socially Awkward Professional Boundaries: Maintains Appropriate Boundaries Respectful of Others' Boundaries Oversteps Boundaries Conflict Resolution Skills: Skilled in Conflict Resolution Handles Conflict Well Avoids or Escalates Conflict Cultural Sensitivity: Culturally Sensitive Respectful of Diversity Insensitive to Cultural Differences Respect for Authority: Respects Authority Adheres to Hierarchy Challenges or Disrespects Authority Innovation Orientation: Innovative Mindset Open to New Ideas Resistant to Change or Innovation Dependability: Dependable Reliable Unreliable or Inconsistent Resilience: Resilient Bounces Back from Setbacks Easily Deterred by Challenges Professional Development Orientation: Committed to Professional Growth Actively Pursues Learning Opportunities Resistant to Learning or Development Assertiveness: Assertive Asserts Needs and Opinions Passively Accepts Situations Networking Skills: Strong Networking Skills Builds and Maintains Relationships Effectively Introverted or Not Skilled in Networking Innovation: Innovative Thinker Generates Creative Ideas Lacks Creativity or Originality Please write summary of me : SAP Functional Consultant/Trainer with a total experience of around 15 years, of which 13 years as an SAP Corporate Trainer (SAP R3/ ECC/ S/4HANA ˗ MM, SD, PP, FICO and SAP Business One) as well as SAP Business One Functional Consultant. Proven track record of providing training for more than 500 individuals/corporate trainees ChatGPT Summary: With over 15 years of experience in the field, I am a seasoned SAP Functional Consultant and Trainer. For the majority of my career, spanning 13 years, I have specialized in SAP Corporate Training, imparting knowledge in SAP R3/ECC/S/4HANA modules including MM, SD, PP, FICO, and SAP Business One. Additionally, I have served as a SAP Business One Functional Consultant. My expertise lies in facilitating training sessions for both individuals and corporate clients, having successfully trained over 500 professionals. My track record reflects a consistent commitment to delivering high-quality training and consultancy services, ensuring that clients and trainees are equipped with the necessary skills to excel in their respective roles. Please give summary of mine : Seeking a challenging and rewarding career in ERP as SAP FIORI/SAP BTP professional where I can contribute my knowledge and skills for growth and development of the organization and to be able to implement solutions that meet the customer requirements using my variety of software development skills and technical expertise.SAP Fiori, UI5 Controls. • Strong Knowledge on UI5 Custom Implementation and Smart Application Development. • Enhancement in old application, Development of Application from Scratch. • Good Knowledge in SAP BTP Backend development using Nodejs and CAPM. ChatGPT Summary: I am an ambitious professional seeking an exciting opportunity in ERP, particularly in the realm of SAP Fiori and SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP). With a focus on contributing my extensive knowledge and skills to drive the growth and development of an organization, I aim to leverage my expertise in software development and technical proficiency. My specialization includes SAP Fiori and UI5 Controls, with a strong command over UI5 Custom Implementation and Smart Application Development. I possess the capability to enhance existing applications and develop new ones from scratch. Moreover, I bring a solid understanding of SAP BTP Backend development using Node.js and CAPM, allowing me to implement solutions that align with customer requirements effectively. My goal is to utilize my diverse skill set to deliver innovative solutions and contribute to the success of the organization. PLEASE give paragraph for me : SAP HR consultant having more than 15 years’ experience in many SAP HR projects, both domestic and overseas including US; Worked in many implementation and support projects; Having extensive skills in consulting and delivery of modules such as Payroll-US/India, Time Management, Cross Application Time Sheets, PA and OM; Handled all phases of implementation projects from Design to Realisation/Testing/Go Live and support. Having prior domain experience of about 15 years in different industries. Now seeking a challenging position in SAP HR in a renowned organization. ChatGPT With over 15 years of comprehensive experience as a SAP HR consultant, I have actively contributed to numerous SAP HR projects across various industries, encompassing both domestic and international landscapes, notably within the United States. My professional journey has been enriched with involvement in diverse implementation and support initiatives, where I have honed my expertise in consulting and module delivery. Notably, I possess extensive proficiency in modules such as Payroll (US/India), Time Management, Cross Application Time Sheets, Personnel Administration (PA), and Organizational Management (OM). Throughout my career, I have adeptly navigated all phases of implementation projects, from initial design and conceptualization to rigorous testing, seamless Go-Live transitions, and ongoing support. My prior domain experience spanning 15 years across different industries further strengthens my insights and capabilities in SAP HR. Presently, I am enthusiastically seeking a challenging role within a distinguished organization, where I can continue to leverage my wealth of experience and contribute meaningfully to SAP HR initiatives. Please write summary of mine : 13+ Yrs Experience in SAP ABAP for Implementation/support/Integration/Upgrade • Done 3 SAP ECC End to End Implementations. • Done One Sap GST Implementation. • Done S4-Hana Implementation for AGM Motors • Done One Upgrade SAP ECC Project. • Having experience with Automobile, Car Manufacturer, Retail industry, Steel industry, Tiles Industry, pharma, Textile industry, finance. • Having experience in Classical, Interactive Report, ALV Grid, sap script Smart Forms, module pool. • Having experience in data migration using BDC, BAPI. • Working on agile methodology. Updating tickets in Jira tools. • Experience in writing files to AL11 and Reading data from AL11. • Having experience in enhancement, user exits, customer exits and BADI. • Having good experience in ALE/ IDOC • Exposure in work flow. • Integration experience using FTP to ABAP. • Worked on adobe forms. • Strong Functional Knowledge in P2P-MM, SD-OTC, PM, PP, WM, FI-CO module. ChatGPT Summary: With over 13 years of extensive expertise in SAP ABAP, I have been instrumental in driving successful implementations, support, integrations, and upgrades across diverse industries. My accomplishments include leading three end-to-end SAP ECC implementations, a significant SAP GST implementation, and the successful execution of an S4-Hana implementation for AGM Motors. Additionally, I have spearheaded an SAP ECC upgrade project, demonstrating proficiency across various sectors including Automobile, Car Manufacturing, Retail, Steel, Tiles, Pharma, Textile, and Finance industries. My skill set encompasses Classical and Interactive Reports, ALV Grid, SAP Script, Smart Forms, and Module Pool programming. I have a proven track record in data migration utilizing BDC and BAPI methods, while adhering to Agile methodologies and utilizing Jira tools for efficient ticket management. Furthermore, I possess adeptness in file handling with AL11, enhancement techniques including user exits, customer exits, and BADI implementations. My experience extends to ALE/IDOC, workflow management, integration using FTP to ABAP, adobe forms development, and a robust functional understanding across P2P-MM, SD-OTC, PM, PP, WM, and FI-CO modules. Give summary of mine ChatGPT Of course! Could you please provide some details or context about your background, experience, or skills so I can tailor the summary to you? Please give summary of mine : · Around 8 years of experience in SAP Analytics Cloud Planning, SAC-BI, Bex Query Designer, SAP BPC Classic, EPM, Analysis Office, SAP BI/BW, Hana Studio. 3 Implementations, Support and Enhancement Projects. · Good Knowledge in SAP BW on Hana, Bex Query Designer, SAP Analytics Cloud for analytics. · Experience in BW Extraction, Modelling and Reporting with sap & non sap source systems. · Experience in Hana Studio with Hana optimised objects for BW modelling LSA ++. · Good exposure in SAC Planning, Input layout, check reports creation. · Currently working in SAC Migration from Qlik-view to SAC. · Involved in green field implementation of SAC. · Hands on in Data Action, Predictive forecast analysis, VDT. · Good exposure in BPC Classic, model creation and EPM input templates & Transformation. · Excellent interpersonal, analytical, team building and problem-solving skills. · Gained experience in process operations and implementing procedures for business excellence. · Worked across teams to coordinate and align with stakeholders to understand various business processes for providing best solution ChatGPT Summary: With over 8 years of dedicated experience in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) Planning, SAC-BI, Bex Query Designer, SAP BPC Classic, EPM, Analysis Office, SAP BI/BW, and Hana Studio, I bring a wealth of expertise to the table. Throughout my career, I have successfully contributed to 3 implementations, support, and enhancement projects, demonstrating proficiency in SAP BW on Hana, BW Extraction, Modelling, and Reporting, as well as SAP Analytics Cloud for analytics. My capabilities extend to Hana Studio with Hana-optimized objects for BW modelling LSA++, encompassing SAC Planning, Input layout, and check reports creation. Currently, I am actively involved in SAC Migration from QlikView to SAC and have played a pivotal role in greenfield SAC implementations. I possess hands-on experience in Data Action, Predictive forecast analysis, and VDT, along with strong exposure in BPC Classic, including model creation and EPM input templates & Transformation. Known for my excellent interpersonal, analytical, team-building, and problem-solving skills, I have adeptly handled process operations and implemented procedures for business excellence. Additionally, my collaborative approach has enabled me to work seamlessly across teams, aligning with stakeholders to understand various business processes and provide optimal solutions. Please give my brief : 8 years of ABAP Experience as Technical Consultant on ECC 6.0 versions and S4 HANA. Strong problem solving and analytical skills, with profound ability to prioritize and multitask goals in order to meet the time requirements and achieved accolades during work & academic endeavours. • Strong believer of delivering quality code, Agile methodology and DevOps ideology. • Handled Projects in support activities. • Worked on ABAP/4 workbench, Data Dictionary Objects, Interactive & Classical Reports, ALV Reports, Module Pool, Function Modules / BAPI, UI5, OData, WebDynpro, MDG-F, Workflow, BRF+/RFCs/WebServices. • Worked on User Exits, BADI’s and Enhancement Spots to enhance the functionality of Standard Business applications. • Worked on Data/UI/Process Modelling • Activated Fiori application for overview of change requests with attribute changes using Process analytics/Business context viewer • Implemented flexible parallel workflow for one of customer to optimize the coding changes while going live with another parallel steps. • Experience in optimization and performance tuning of programs using tools like ABAP/4 debugger, run time analysis and SQL trace. • Experience on ABAP and Exposure on Workflow, BRF+, MDG-F, UI5, OData, Chatbot and RAP/CAP. • Exposure on BTP: Application Development, SPA, Integration Suite, ABAP Environment, Analytics Query and Extension, BAS, ABAP on Cloud and theoratical knowledge on ABAP Event Mesh. • A very good understanding in FICO process, also basic functional knowledge of FICO. • Working as key consultant for Central Finance and MDG-F along with technical key consultant for Controlling. • Experience with SAP Fiori design principles and guidelines • Strong knowledge of MVC architecture and OData services • Familiarity with SAP Gateway, SAP HANA, and SAP Cloud Platform • Experience with responsive web design and cross-browser compatibility • - Knowledge of version control systems such as Git • Appreciated as best technical consultant. Received many appreciations from business and product architect. • Dedicated and highly ambitious to achieve personal goals as well as the organizational goals • Friendly with an upbeat attitude • Excellent decision-making skills with a positive approach ChatGPT Brief: With 8 years of extensive experience as an ABAP Technical Consultant, I have demonstrated proficiency across ECC 6.0 versions and S4 HANA environments. My skill set encompasses strong problem-solving and analytical abilities, coupled with a keen ability to prioritize tasks and multitask effectively to meet project deadlines. I am a firm advocate for delivering quality code, embracing Agile methodology, and adhering to DevOps principles. Throughout my career, I have successfully handled projects encompassing support activities, showcasing expertise in various ABAP technologies including ABAP/4 workbench, Data Dictionary Objects, Reports (Interactive & Classical, ALV), Module Pool, Function Modules/BAPI, UI5, OData, WebDynpro, MDG-F, Workflow, BRF+, RFCs, and WebServices. Additionally, I have leveraged User Exits, BADI's, and Enhancement Spots to enhance standard business applications, while also focusing on data, UI, and process modeling. Notably, I have activated Fiori applications for change request overviews and implemented flexible parallel workflows to optimize coding changes during project rollouts. My experience includes optimization and performance tuning of programs using ABAP/4 debugger, runtime analysis, and SQL trace tools. I have a well-rounded exposure to various SAP technologies including Workflow, BRF+, MDG-F, UI5, OData, Chatbot, and RAP/CAP. Furthermore, I possess familiarity with SAP BTP, including Application Development, SPA, Integration Suite, ABAP Environment, Analytics Query and Extension, BAS, and ABAP on Cloud, along with theoretical knowledge of ABAP Event Mesh. With a solid understanding of FICO processes and basic functional knowledge in FICO, I serve as a key consultant for Central Finance and MDG-F, while also fulfilling the role of technical lead for Controlling. I am well-versed in SAP Fiori design principles, MVC architecture, and OData services, with experience in SAP Gateway, SAP HANA, and SAP Cloud Platform. I am proficient in responsive web design, cross-browser compatibility, and version control systems such as Git. Recognized as a best technical consultant, I have received numerous accolades from business and product architects, showcasing my dedication, ambition, upbeat attitude, excellent decision-making skills, and positive approach towards achieving both personal and organizational goals. please give me brief : Software.  Auto Cad, Master Cam, MDT, M.S. Office, Ug Nx. Pro-E, Catia, 3D Moldx, Wind Chill PDM, SAP. CNC Skills.  CNC Programing & Operating. Projects Under Taken. Technopack Group of Companies, Morbi.  Setting up an greenfield PET Preform plant.  Setting up an HDPE Closure plant. ARE, Sohar Oman.  Setting up an greenfield Roto-molding plant  Setting up an greenfield HDPE pipe extrusion plant. HEL, Ahmedabad.  Manufacturing of Tools For 1000t Press M/C.  Feasibility Study Of Romanian Transfer Press M/C with current Toolings. IGTR, Ahmedabad.  Hand mold of table bush.  Fixture of making spring from wire.  Press tool of Hings.  Injection mold of table bush four cavity. ChatGPT Brief: As a software professional, I possess a diverse skill set encompassing AutoCAD, Mastercam, MDT, Microsoft Office, UG NX, Pro-E, Catia, 3D Moldx, Windchill PDM, SAP, and CNC programming and operation. I have successfully undertaken projects across various industries, including Technopack Group of Companies in Morbi, where I played a key role in setting up a greenfield PET preform plant and an HDPE closure plant. Additionally, I contributed to projects at ARE in Sohar, Oman, by establishing a greenfield roto-molding plant and an HDPE pipe extrusion plant. In HEL, Ahmedabad, I participated in manufacturing tools for a 1000t press machine and conducted a feasibility study of Romanian transfer press machine with current toolings. Furthermore, my involvement with IGTR, Ahmedabad, included tasks such as hand molding table bushes, creating fixtures for spring manufacturing from wire, designing press tools for hinges, and developing injection molds for table bushes with four cavities. My expertise lies in software applications and CNC skills, enabling me to contribute effectively to diverse projects and initiatives within the manufacturing sector. Give a small brief about mine work : Expertise for around eighteen years in designing, implementing, rollouts and operational support of SAP FICO applications with S/4 Hana experience in finance. · Completed two SAP S/4 HANA implementation & rollout projects · Expert Business knowledge in Finance domain and strong understanding of the functions like Customer Service, Order to Cash, procure to pay, material handling, production and others. · Involved in all the phases of a project life cycle including analysis, design, configuration, design of interface between SAP & other systems, specs design for functional developments, testing, and deployment of solutions, post-production support/ maintenance, documentation, data conversion and end-user training. · Worked as offshore Team lead following the remote solution delivery methodology. · Worked in SAP projects across several industry verticals like Life sciences, Oil & Gas, Utilities, manufacturing & Retail. Worked in ONGC project · Excellent communication, problem solving skills as well as interpersonal and customer-oriented skills. Key SAP Skills / Certifications · Certified by SAP, AG as solution consultant in mySAP Financials –Managerial & Financial Accounting. · Worked on SAP versions - S/4 HANA (2021) , S/4 HANA (1709), ECC 6.0, ECC 5.0 , 4.6C & 4.6B . · Worked on country India version ie CIN version ( Extended withholding Tax / GST ) .Worked on Withholding taxes & taxes on sales & purchase ( VAT (IVA) & Income tax ( IRCAIS )) for Pargauay country . · Expert knolwedge in General Ledger. New GL , Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable,Bank Accounting , Asset management, cost centre accounting , profit center and internal orders . Worked on Treasury submodule of FSCM ie configuration of money market instruments like Fixed deposits , intercompnay loans , Letter of credit , overnight instrumnets etc . Exposure to SAP Cash Management & Liquidity forecast submodule of ( FSCM) ie Cash Management , Liquidity forecast & Cash concentration.. · Worked on New GL functionality like profit center wise finanacial statements , multiple ledgers , document splitting etc . · Exposure to fund management , product costing & costing based profitability analysis · Having exposure relating to Integration of FI/Co with Material Management, Sales & Distribution, Project Systems ,Plant maintenance etc. · Experienced in developing reports , developing functional enhancements & user exits . · Experienced in creating FI validations & substitutions . · Exposure to Mercury Quality Center – Testing Tool , Remedy & SAP Solution Manager ChatGPT Brief: With over eighteen years of expertise, I have been actively involved in designing, implementing, rollouts, and operational support of SAP FICO applications, particularly with S/4 Hana experience in finance. My contributions include the successful completion of two SAP S/4 HANA implementation and rollout projects, showcasing my in-depth business knowledge in finance domains and functions like Customer Service, Order to Cash, Procure to Pay, material handling, and production. Throughout my career, I have been engaged in all phases of project life cycles, from analysis and design to testing, deployment, and post-production support, across various industry verticals including Life Sciences, Oil & Gas, Utilities, Manufacturing, and Retail. As an offshore team lead, I have demonstrated proficiency in remote solution delivery methodologies, coupled with excellent communication, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. My key SAP skills and certifications include being certified by SAP AG as a solution consultant in mySAP Financials - Managerial & Financial Accounting. I have worked extensively on SAP versions such as S/4 HANA (2021), S/4 HANA (1709), ECC 6.0, ECC 5.0, 4.6C & 4.6B, with expertise in country-specific versions such as CIN for India and tax regulations for Paraguay. In terms of SAP modules, I possess expert knowledge in General Ledger, New GL, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Bank Accounting, Asset Management, Cost Center Accounting, Profit Center, and Internal Orders. Additionally, I have experience in Treasury submodule of FSCM, New GL functionality, Fund Management, Product Costing, and Integration of FI/Co with other SAP modules. Furthermore, I am proficient in developing reports, functional enhancements, user exits, FI validations, and substitutions. My exposure extends to testing tools such as Mercury Quality Center, Remedy, and SAP Solution Manager, showcasing a well-rounded skill set to contribute effectively to SAP projects and initiatives. 2 / 2 Give small brief of myselgf : Over 8.8 years of SAP experience in various industries in modules SAP PP & QM with integration of other modules FICO, MM, SD and PM. • Worked on version SAP ECC 6.0 • Worked in manufacturing industry (discrete, repetitive, and process) and worked on shop floor control, stocks management, machine commitments, production orders as per the demand management. • Confident personality to interact in a professional manner be flexible & handle interactions with all levels of the organization with On-site clients. ChatGPT Brief: With over 8.8 years of rich SAP experience, I specialize in SAP Production Planning (PP) and Quality Management (QM), seamlessly integrating these modules with other key modules like FICO, MM, SD, and PM. My expertise spans across SAP ECC 6.0, where I have successfully navigated diverse industries including discrete, repetitive, and process manufacturing. I have played pivotal roles in streamlining shop floor control, stocks management, machine commitments, and production orders, aligning them with demand management principles. Known for my confident personality, I excel in professional interactions and possess the flexibility to adapt to varying organizational hierarchies. With a proven track record of engaging with on-site clients, I bring a blend of technical expertise and interpersonal skills to every project, ensuring effective collaboration and successful outcomes. please give my summary : • Experience in managing implementation and support projects • Technical Expertise in working on BW 7.4/7.5 on HANA as Senior Consultant, to design the complex flow considering mixed BW modelling scenarios. • Designed mixed modelling complex data flows, to combine data from BW application layer and HANA data base layer into BEx reports for real time reporting. • Experience in working with all latest BW models including Composite providers, ADSOs, SPOs, Open HUBs, MFT interfaces, BEx reports, ODP data sources, SAP data sources, etc. • Work experience also includes development of HANA views for real time reporting • Worked on changing existing HANA views as a part on enhancements for Power BI Dashboard • Adjusted existing Power BI designs for fulfilling new Business requirements • Worked in APO Demand Planning Area as a BW consultant managing all BW designs needed for real time reporting • Worked in various financial applications like Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Account Receivable as BW consultant • Worked on BPS implementation which includes designing of planning area, planning levels, planning folders, planning functions and Web Interfaces • Experienced in BEx User Exits & BEx reports/workbooks designing along with macros • Provided estimations for migrating existing BW 7.5 box to BW/4 HANA via green field implementation • Worked on POC to evaluate SDI functionalities for real time reporting. Scenario was to pick up data from 4 different types of sources and do reporting from BW box. • Good knowledge in performance tuning, debugging BI specific ABAP • Experience in giving end user & technical trainings • Conducted training Program for Basic concepts BPS, ABAP for BI, mentored BI Trainees. • Worked in various capacities of Offshore coordinator and Quality lead • Worked as Onsite coordinator for support project ChatGPT Summary: With a proven track record in managing implementation and support projects, I bring extensive technical expertise as a Senior Consultant specializing in SAP BW 7.4/7.5 on HANA. My proficiency extends to designing complex data flows that integrate BW application layer and HANA database layer for real-time reporting in BEx reports. I am adept at working with the latest BW models including Composite Providers, ADSOs, SPOs, Open HUBs, MFT interfaces, BEx reports, ODP data sources, and SAP data sources. Furthermore, I have hands-on experience in developing HANA views and enhancing existing views for Power BI Dashboard integration. I have demonstrated my capabilities in managing BW designs for various financial applications and APO Demand Planning, along with implementing BPS solutions. My expertise also encompasses BEx User Exits, designing BEx reports/workbooks, and providing estimations for BW/4 HANA migration. Additionally, I have conducted end user and technical training programs, mentoring BI trainees and serving in roles such as Offshore Coordinator and Quality Lead. As an Onsite Coordinator for support projects, I excel in bridging communication between stakeholders and ensuring project success. My experience highlights my dedication to delivering high-quality solutions and my ability to adapt to diverse project requirements efficiently. Please give brief : 17 years of experience in business process reengineering, planning, and solution implementation for various sectors, including automotive, retail, manufacturing, chemicals, public sector, FMCG, etc. • Around 16 years of experience in the implementation and management of SAP Logistics Modules (SD, MM, C4C, CS/PM, LE, ISA-DBM, ISA-VMS) • PMP Certified Project Management Professional having over 4 years of solid project management experience in SAP transformations • Functional expert in Order to Cash (OTC), Engineer to Order (ETO), and Service Management processes. • Architect and devise solution strategies for various SAP prospective clients and deliver account-winning solution demos and presentations. • Results-oriented with strong analytical and planning experience in leading crossfunctional teams through full various project life cycles utilizing SAP ASAP & Activate project management methodology. • SAP S/4 HANA Certified and trained in SAP S/4 HANA Enterprise Cloud • Knowledge of various services provided by SAP like IAAS, PAAS, and SAAS • SAP Presales Certified Consultant - SAP S/4 HANA Enterprise Management 1602 • Delivered account-winning demos on SAP ECC 6.0 & S/4 HANA • Career path includes working for leading Information Technology and Consulting firms i.e. Accenture, SBM (Saudi Business Machines), Abacus Consulting, GBM (Gulf Business Machines) ChatGPT Brief: With 17 years of extensive experience in business process reengineering, planning, and solution implementation across diverse sectors including automotive, retail, manufacturing, chemicals, public sector, and FMCG, I bring a wealth of expertise to the table. My career journey predominantly revolves around SAP Logistics Modules, boasting around 16 years of implementation and management experience in modules such as SD, MM, C4C, CS/PM, LE, ISA-DBM, and ISA-VMS. As a PMP Certified Project Management Professional with over 4 years of solid project management experience in SAP transformations, I excel in leading cross-functional teams through various project life cycles utilizing SAP ASAP & Activate project management methodologies. My functional expertise lies in Order to Cash (OTC), Engineer to Order (ETO), and Service Management processes. I have a knack for architecting and devising solution strategies for SAP prospective clients, delivering account-winning solution demos and presentations. Additionally, my credentials include being SAP S/4 HANA Certified and trained in SAP S/4 HANA Enterprise Cloud, with knowledge of various services provided by SAP like IAAS, PAAS, and SAAS. Moreover, I hold certifications as a SAP Presales Certified Consultant for SAP S/4 HANA Enterprise Management 1602, with a proven track record of delivering impactful demos on both SAP ECC 6.0 and S/4 HANA platforms. Throughout my career, I have worked for leading Information Technology and Consulting firms such as Accenture, SBM (Saudi Business Machines), Abacus Consulting, and GBM (Gulf Business Machines), honing my skills and contributing to the success of numerous SAP projects and initiatives. Please give my brief : ● SAP Consultant in the functional area of Finance and Controlling (FICO) for 19 years. ● Had more than 15 years of experience in the manufacturing industry as well. ● Implemented 3 end to end S/4 Hana ● Implemented GST India, P2P, O2C MM/SD/PP Integration, FSCM-Dispute Management/BCM/Collection ● Implemented Funds Management in 2022 ● Data Archiving ChatGPT Brief: With 19 years of dedicated experience as an SAP Consultant specializing in the Finance and Controlling (FICO) functional area, I bring a wealth of expertise to the table. My career journey spans over 15 years in the manufacturing industry, where I have successfully implemented numerous SAP projects and initiatives. Among my accomplishments, I have led the implementation of 3 end-to-end S/4 Hana projects, showcasing my proficiency in driving transformational initiatives. Additionally, I have played a pivotal role in implementing critical modules such as GST India, Procure to Pay (P2P), Order to Cash (O2C) with MM/SD/PP integration, and Financial Supply Chain Management (FSCM) modules including Dispute Management, Biller Direct, and Collection Management. Furthermore, I have successfully implemented Funds Management in 2022, demonstrating my ability to adapt to evolving business requirements and implement cutting-edge solutions. Additionally, my expertise extends to Data Archiving, ensuring efficient management of data for optimal system performance. Overall, my extensive experience, coupled with a track record of successful project implementations, positions me as a seasoned professional capable of delivering impactful solutions to enhance financial processes and drive organizational growth. small brief about myself Expertise in SAP MM functional consultant with 2 implementations using ASAP methodology, upgrade projects and post go-live support using versions SAP ECC 6.0 in Industrial environments.  Strong expertise and understanding of the business process, blueprinting, assessment, designing, configuration, testing, and documentation areas of SAP Materials Management.  Expertise in Enhancement and FSD and Custom report with user requirements.  Expertise in gathering requirements from end users and transforming the requirements into functional documents in RICEF components.  Equipped with strong functional skills in materials management. Excellent interpersonal& communication skills, and a good team player with strong leadership skills.  Excellent verbal and written communication skills, in order to facilitate business/ technical discussions, document solutions and work well with people at all levels of the organization.  Good team player, Strong team orientation qualities, hardworking and enthusiastic.  Proficiency in understanding complex business problems and providing recommendations.  Experience in Inventory Management, Goods Receipts, Goods Issue, Invoice verification, Stock Transfers, Transfer Postings, and Material to Material Transfers.  I'm working S/4 Hana Testing with MDG-M Fiori application.  Using HP ALM Tool with executed the scenarios.  Expertise TR move to DEV to PRD.  Clear understanding of business process and documentation. Worked on enhancements, worked with the ABAP Team. ChatGPT Brief: With expertise as an SAP MM functional consultant, I have successfully led 2 implementations using ASAP methodology, upgrade projects, and post go-live support in industrial environments with SAP ECC 6.0. My strong understanding of business processes enables me to excel in blueprinting, assessment, designing, configuration, testing, and documentation within SAP Materials Management. I specialize in enhancement and Functional Specification Document (FSD) creation, along with custom report development to meet user requirements. Gathering end-user requirements and transforming them into functional documents in RICEF components is one of my key strengths. Possessing excellent interpersonal and communication skills, I thrive as a team player with strong leadership qualities. My proficiency extends to understanding complex business problems and providing effective recommendations. In terms of SAP MM functionalities, I have hands-on experience in Inventory Management, Goods Receipts, Goods Issue, Invoice Verification, Stock Transfers, Transfer Postings, and Material to Material Transfers. Additionally, I am currently involved in S/4 Hana Testing with MDG-M Fiori application, utilizing HP ALM Tool for scenario execution and expertise in TR movement from DEV to PRD. With a clear understanding of business processes and documentation, I collaborate closely with ABAP teams on enhancements, ensuring seamless integration and delivery of solutions. please give short summary of Technical Lead (SAP Security and GRC) with over nine years of experience in the SAP Security, Controls, and SAP Governance, Risk Compliance space, design and maintain a set of authorizations on SAP S4 HANA system with good experience and understanding of business needs and translation to SAP rules and constraints as part of role re-design project. • Hands-on experience in authorization management, access risk analysis and emergency access control on GRC 10.1/12.0, and developing SAP GRC policies and strategies, and enforcing GRC regulatory compliance. • Expertise in identifying security needs and implementing technologies to prevent security threats and frame strategies for enhanced access control, risk analysis and remediation, and segregation of duty mitigation and remediation. Knowledge and hands-on experience in segregation of duties (SoD) concepts, sensitive access and experience with user and role administration using SAP GRC. • Skilled in conducting security WRICEF reviews for new developments and providing authority checks to avoid and access leakage. Regularly conducting security and governance assessments, audit risks, documenting governance, risks and controls, and initiating continuous process improvements using industry best practices adhering Onapsis access and comply policies. • Highly developed analytical, problem-solving, project management, documentation, reporting and stakeholder management skills. ChatGPT Summary: As a seasoned Technical Lead specializing in SAP Security and GRC, I bring over nine years of expertise in designing and maintaining authorizations on SAP S4 HANA systems. My role involves re-designing projects while aligning with business needs and translating them into SAP rules and constraints effectively. I possess hands-on experience in authorization management, access risk analysis, and emergency access control using GRC 10.1/12.0. Additionally, I excel in developing SAP GRC policies and strategies, ensuring regulatory compliance and enforcing security measures. My expertise extends to identifying security needs, implementing technologies to prevent security threats, and framing strategies for enhanced access control and risk analysis. I am proficient in segregation of duties (SoD) concepts, sensitive access management, and user and role administration using SAP GRC. Furthermore, I conduct security WRICEF reviews for new developments, ensuring authority checks to prevent access leakage. Regular security and governance assessments, audit risk documentation, and continuous process improvements are integral parts of my skill set, adhering to industry best practices and Onapsis access and compliance policies. I possess strong analytical, problem-solving, project management, documentation, reporting, and stakeholder management skills, enabling me to deliver impactful solutions and drive project success. please phrase : Tally ERP 9 • Compu-Tax • MS- Office • SAP S4 Hana • Decision Making • Creativity • Analytical • Research • Team Oriented • Negotiation • Public Speaking ChatGPT Proficient in: • Tally ERP 9 • Compu-Tax • MS-Office • SAP S4 Hana Skills: • Decision Making • Creativity • Analytical Thinking • Research Abilities • Team Orientation • Negotiation Expertise • Public Speaking Skills BRIEF SUMMARY XPERIENCE SAP Treasury Consultant Since 2014 till now PROJECTS Globe Telecommunications (2023-2024) ● Implementation of foreign exchange product including product set up, accounting, NPV Valuation etc ● Implementation of money market product like loans and deposits ● Setting up trade finance products like LC and BG ● Implementation of Exposure and Hedge Management ● Implementation of Host to host payment with bank ● Integration with Third party software like trading platform, correspondence matching services Apar Industries (2022-2023) • Implementation of bank reconciliation process • Implementing Hedge accounting process • Integration with Bloomberg • Validation and substitution • Implementation of foreign currency valuation • Cash Position and liquidity forecast • Dispute management • Credit Management • Collection management Wipro Limited (2019-2021) • Supporting month end activities • Custom reports like investment register Loan register etc. • Implementation of Host to Host Payments DXC Technologies (2016-2018) • Implementation of cash management • GL Accounting, and AP process • Implementation of Host to Host Payments Amit Mittal SAP Treasury Consultant Shahpura, Rajasthan C ChatGPT Summary: As an experienced SAP Treasury Consultant since 2014, I have been instrumental in leading diverse projects across multiple industries. At Globe Telecommunications, I spearheaded the implementation of foreign exchange products, money market products, trade finance solutions, exposure and hedge management, and host-to-host payment integration. Additionally, I facilitated integration with third-party software and trading platforms. During my tenure at Apar Industries, I successfully implemented bank reconciliation processes, hedge accounting, and foreign currency valuation. I also managed cash position and liquidity forecasting, dispute management, credit management, and collection management, while integrating with Bloomberg and ensuring validation and substitution processes. At Wipro Limited, I provided support for month-end activities and developed custom reports. I was also involved in implementing host-to-host payments. Similarly, at DXC Technologies, I led the implementation of cash management processes, GL accounting, AP processes, and host-to-host payments. My expertise encompasses a wide range of treasury functions including product setup, accounting, NPV valuation, cash management, and liquidity forecasting. With a track record of successful project delivery and a strong focus on integration and process improvement, I am well-equipped to drive treasury initiatives and add value to organizations. please share summary : • B.E (Electronics) with 6 years of experience in the areas of SAP Security and GRC administration. • Presently associated with Tata consultancy services as a SAP Security Consultant. • Having work experience on SAP ECC, GRC-Access control module, SAP Hana DB. • Distinction of coordinating with teams to deliver projects to clients within specified timeframe as per specifications. • Experienced in troubleshooting issues related to user authorization and implementing role development as per the compliance structure. • Full responsibility of maintaining high level of Response and Resolution SLA for the client. • Interpersonal, troubleshooting skills, flexibility, and ability to work in a team environment. ChatGPT Summary: I am a B.E. graduate in Electronics with 6 years of dedicated experience in SAP Security and GRC administration. Currently, I serve as a SAP Security Consultant at Tata Consultancy Services, where I actively engage with SAP ECC, GRC-Access Control module, and SAP Hana DB. My role involves coordinating with cross-functional teams to ensure timely project delivery while adhering to client specifications. I specialize in troubleshooting issues related to user authorization and implementing role development to align with compliance structures. A key aspect of my responsibility includes maintaining high levels of Response and Resolution SLA for clients, ensuring their satisfaction and operational efficiency. I am recognized for my strong interpersonal skills, troubleshooting abilities, flexibility, and adeptness at collaborating within team environments. please share summary : Having 16 Years of experience in SAP as SAP CRM Technical Consultant • Currently Working as SAP Utilities CRM Technical consultant . • Received 4 Recognitions and Cash Awards in One year of IBM for outstanding performance and delivery • Winner of Accenture FY17 Q3 ACE Award in Whole Delivery Unit for an excellent performance • Winner of Accenture Outstanding Performer Award FY16 Q3, FY17 Q2, FY18 Q2 • Experience in Agile Methodology for SAP and having knowledge in ABAP area • Extensive knowledge in Utilities CRM and ISU Processes • Worked on Regulated as well as Deregulated Utilities Market across NA, UK, Australia, and Israel • Conducted SAP ABAP GFT Training for the freshers joined in 2018 in Accenture • Comprehensive understanding of SAP CRM WEB UI Concepts, MVC Architecture • Ability to work as a team member and confident in serving the best results • Worked as “AASEGP-VAJRA “to guide newly joined Associates in Accenture ChatGPT Summary: With 16 years of rich experience in SAP, I currently serve as a SAP Utilities CRM Technical Consultant, specializing in CRM and ISU processes. Throughout my career, I have garnered significant recognition for outstanding performance and delivery. At IBM, I received four recognitions and cash awards within a year for my exceptional contributions. Additionally, I was honored with the Accenture FY17 Q3 ACE Award and the Outstanding Performer Award for FY16 Q3, FY17 Q2, and FY18 Q2. My expertise extends to Agile Methodology for SAP and ABAP, with a comprehensive understanding of Utilities CRM and ISU processes. I have worked extensively in regulated and deregulated utilities markets across regions including NA, UK, Australia, and Israel. Furthermore, I have contributed to talent development by conducting SAP ABAP GFT Training for freshers at Accenture in 2018. Proficient in SAP CRM WEB UI Concepts and MVC Architecture, I am known for my ability to work collaboratively in teams and consistently deliver exceptional results. Additionally, I have served as a mentor to newly joined associates, guiding them to success as an "AASEGP-VAJRA" at Accenture.

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