In many ways, times have never been better for open-source software. Open source code is everywhere, enterprises have a strong preference for open sou...
In the acclaimed 2014 film Ex Machina, a scientist builds a humanoid robot in female form with AI and the plot centers around determining whether the...
The job market for software engineers with experience remains robust as organizations look to hire senior candidates and those with certain coding ski...
Tech issues are sapping the productivity of remote workers, with nearly half (49%) of employees estimating they lose between one and five hours weekly...
IT operations is one of the oldest disciplines in the realm of IT. For decades, businesses have relied on ITOps to deliver and support the core IT sys...
Moving from a desire to use AI to a tactical approach does not require superpowers, but it can often feel that way. Many data and analytics leaders, u...
IT operations and DevOps serve closely related needs at many modern businesses. Yet, although there are many similarities between the two roles, there...
Most IT operations teams can't rely solely on open source tools to manage the provisioning, monitoring, administration, and other tasks at the cor...
According to Deloitte, the global SaaS market will grow significantly in the coming years. At the same time, such products remain pretty sensitive and...
Instagram wasn’t always what it is now. It started as a not-so-successful alternative to the check-in app Foursquare and ended up as a world-fam...