ï‚· JAVA&PYTHON: - Developed Automated Test Cases Using Java and Python in Selenium Using POM Framework for Automation Testing. ï‚· SELENIUM:-Developed the Automated Test script mostly in Selenium using Page Object Model and Data driven testing from Scratch Under Maven Project in Testng for Automation Testing. ï‚· ROBOT FRAMEWORK:-Implemented Robot Framework (Keyboard driven testing) to reduce Project budget and time for Creating Executing test script from Scratch for Automation Testing. ï‚· JENKINS:-Executed Continuous Integration Script Using Jenkins of Selenium Automated Scripts. Triggers the Jenkins job manually as well as well as by Automation using Crone Pattern. ï‚· CUCUMBER:- BDD Framework Integrating with Selenium having Feature File having Test cases in Gerkin Language like(Keyword)-Feature, Scenario, Given, When, And, Then &Examples. Step Definition File. Test-Runner File from which we Can Automate the Test Cases with Parameterization using Outline Scenario. ï‚· SOAP UI:-Developed different Test Cases in Soap as well as for Rest Project and Performed Functional, Regression Test. Run test with manually as well as with Automation using Groovy Scripting along with all the Assertions along with Property Transfer. ï‚· UFT:-Created Test Script for Desktop Application. ï‚· API AUTOMATION:- Application Programming Interface(API) Automation Using Selenium for Rest API to see the Response(GET),(PUT),(POST),Assert, Data Parameterization ,by using rest assured dependency under Maven Project in Java TestNg and run test cases in xml using Hybrid Framework as Well as by Groovy Scripting for Automation Testing. ï‚· TDP: - Defect Management tool to raise defect in TDP. ï‚· ANGULAR JS: - Design Component and Page with using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 using VB Script. ï‚· PUTTY: - Checked Backend Connection and logs of Apache &Tomcat .it work similar to Linux. ï‚· O.S PATCHING:-Once Patching done we started to bring up the instances in both Tomcat and Apache in all Servers. ï‚· POSTMAN:-API Testing with. Knowledge on Web services Type(REST),Web services Component(WSDL&UDDI).Get, Put, Post, Header, Authentication in automation &manual,StatusCode. ï‚· MYSQL:- Creating DataBase,Writing Query,Fetching the data From Database with Selenium using java to Validating Test Cases, Manipulating Query for Automation Testing.